Catégorie  Articles

Pascha Polyglotta

Cet article vous permet de voir et d’entrendre en quelque 250 langues l’affirmation centrale de la foi chrétienne : « Le Christ est ressuscité ; en vérité, il est ressuscité ! » This article allows you to see and hear in some 250 languages the…

Deux sarcophages du IVe siècle mal interprétés : non pas trinitaires, mais bien christologiques

Des érudits ont interprété certaines images du Sarcophage dogmatique (325-350) à Rome et du Sarcophage de la Trinité-Époux (325-350) à Arles, France, comme les premières images anthropomorphiques de la Trinité. Cette étude vise à infirmer cette interprétation et à affirmer que l'interprétation juste est christologique.

Death And Orthodox Iconography

In the Orthodox Church, iconography holds a central and important place, both visually and theologically. Icons are not merely decorations or pictorial teaching aids. They do serve these purposes, but their fundamental reason for being is to bear witness, in an artistic manner, to the Church’s beliefs. They are a reflection of the life in Christ as lived in the Church. We should expect, therefore, to receive from iconography that which is witnessed to and preached by other means, such as Scripture, liturgical texts, dogmatic statements, and the writings of the Fathers.

Fr. George Florovsky: Ecumenist?

Many Orthodox Christians reject ecumenism as a panheresy and those who participate in ecumenical activities as disloyal. This attitude, so sweeping as it is, would have to condemn Fr. George Florovsky, hardly, from anyone's perspective, disloyal to Orthodoxy. And yet he participated in many ecumenical activities, was a founder of the World Council of Churches, and felt it absolutely necessary for Orthodox to participate. What is lacking in the contemporary discussion is nuance. This article proposes Fr. George Florovsky as an Orthodox model for ecumenical activity: neither an "ecumaniac" nor a panheretic.