Topic: Ecumenism

Fr. George Florovsky: Ecumenist?

Many Orthodox Christians reject ecumenism as a panheresy and those who participate in ecumenical activities as disloyal. This attitude, so sweeping as it is, would have to condemn Fr. George Florovsky, hardly, from anyone's perspective, disloyal to Orthodoxy. And yet he participated in many ecumenical activities, was a founder of the World Council of Churches, and felt it absolutely necessary for Orthodox to participate. What is lacking in the contemporary discussion is nuance. This article proposes Fr. George Florovsky as an Orthodox model for ecumenical activity: neither an "ecumaniac" nor a panheretic.

L’histoire d’un œcuméniste fatigué

Cet article raconte mon histoire par rapport à l'œcuménisme : comment j'ai commencé comme un oecuméniste protestant enthousiate pour terminer comme un oeuméniste déçu. Il analyse également ma perception de l'Église orthodoxe dans le mouvement œcuméniquel.

Ecclesiality or no Ecclesiality That Is the Question

Do the changing practices of receiving non Orthodox converts into the Orthodox Church manifest an underlying, but unstated, ecclesiology? These practices have varied, and vary, from baptism to chrismation to simple statement of faith. It is the thesis of this article that the reception of converts presents the Orthodox view about the ecclesiality of non Orthodox Churches.

The Story of a Tired Ecumenist

This article tells my ecumenical story starting as an enthusiastic Protestant and moving on to a disappointed Orthodox. It also sets out my undertanding of the role of the Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement.

L’art roman et l’icône : Le dernier art occidental à caractère iconique et d’autres études

Le Christ représenté dans les icônes et dans l'art roman expriment, selon l'auteur, un art œcuménique, c'est-à-dire une vision théologique commune peinte dans un langage artistique commun. Au tour de l'an 1000, tous les chrétiens pouvaient lire et comprendre ces images. Cette unité s'est malheureusement perdue pendant le second millénaire de l'histoire chrétienne. D'autres études suivent.

Romanesque Art and Icons + Other Iconographic Studies

This collection deals with the general theme of Orthodox icons. It is a series of five essays on this subject and one autobiographical writing about the author's involvement in the Ecumenical Movement: Romanesque images and icons, icons as tools for interpreting the Bible, images of Sophia (Wisdom), icons and the Ecumenical Movement, blessing icons, and an autobiographical note.