Father Steven Bigham
Orthodox priest from Montreal's French-speaking community and specialist in Christian iconography
About Father Steven
Father Steven Bigham is a retired Orthodox priest of the Carpatho-Russian Diocese of Constantinople, author and iconology specialist living in Quebec. He is a graduate of St Vladimir's Seminary and holds a doctorate in theology from the Université de Montréal, specializing in Christian iconography.
He specializes in the theology of Christian art, and more specifically in the icons of the Orthodox Church. He taught at the Institut de théologie orthodoxe de Montréal, associated with the Université de Sherbrooke's Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. Author and researcher, he has written several books in French and English, including L’icône dans la tradition orthodoxe and Christians and Images: Early Christian Attitudes toward Images.
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Le débat éternel sur l’ordination des femmes
1. Introduction Il y a quelques jours, j’ai regardé un film intitulé Created Equal, qui raconte l’histoire d’une jeune sœur catholique à La Nouvelle-Orléans qui souhaitait devenir prêtre. Elle s’est vue refuser l’entrée au séminaire parce qu’elle ne remplissait pas les critères : elle n’était pas un homme. Un avocat de premier ordre a alors pris en charge son dossier et a…
The Eternal Debate on the Ordination of Women
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Romanesque Art and the Death of Western Iconography
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